One Bistro brings a whole new dimension to simple good food offering the best quality ingredients, stylish surroundings and excellent value for money.
One Bistro has it’s own unique style and delivers excellent quality food with a menu for all tastes.
We are based in the heart of Dublin (30 Richmond street south Dublin 2) and have one hundred tables in our restaurant.
At One Bistro, our Head Chef has over 15 years experience using only the finest Irish ingredients to create great Irish dishes. We strive to serve our guests with wholesome, home cooked Irish Cuisine with a twist, within a well maintained and comfortable environment.
One Bistro, the Taste of Dublin, the taste of Irish!
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31 South Richmond Street, Portobello, Dublin 2
Open Today: 11.30am - midnight
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27 South Richmond Street, Dublin 2
Open Today: 12pm - 11pm
43 Richmond Street South, Dublin 2, Ireland
Open Today: 5.30pm - 9.30pm (Dinner)