Milano Ranelagh is situated in the heart of the picturesque Ranelagh Village. Milano is the best place to be to enjoy the active and vibrant dining culture in Ranelagh. The restaurant itself is bright and modern with seating spread over 2 floors. We can cater for every customer whether you're coming to dine as a couple or bringing your family out for a relaxing evening. There is seating for parties of up to 100 guests and facilities for business meetings, kids parties, and any other occasion.
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60 Ranelagh, Dublin 6, Ireland
Open Today: 12.30pm - 12.30pm
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39 Ranelagh Village, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Open Today: 12.30pm - 10pm
€ €
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47 Ranelagh, Dublin 6, Ireland
Open Today: 12pm - 4pm (Brunch), 5.30pm - 11pm