Vermilion, powdered red lead, is applied as a dot on the forehead, like the regular 'bindi', or in the parting of the hair by all suhagans. It is worn by married women, as a visible expression of their desire for their husbands' longevity.
Red is the colour of power. Vermilion is thus a symbol of the female energy of Parvati and Sati. Sati is believed to be the ideal wife, one who gave her life for her husbands' honour. Every Hindu wife is supposed to emulate her. It is believed that Parvati protects all those men whose wives apply vermilion to their hair parting.
Vermilion restaurant is dedicated to providing you, the customer, with an exceptional overall dining experience at moderate prices - consistently. We will actively encourage and canvass participation with the regular customer base in developing the business. Customer loyalty is important to us for many reasons, and we believe that this will be apparent in our dealings. We believe only in excelling and your feedback will be both appreciated, acknowledged and if possible, used to make changes for the better.
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